It’s known that all sports require teamwork, but what makes a team? Of course, a team can be defined as a group of people who like playing the same sport, but is that how all sports teams see it? One sport that really understands how to be a team is our Tinley Park soccer team. In this sport, the players really need to focus on each other. They need to learn the different ways that their teammates play and tie that into how they play. The coaches also have to know and understand the differences between how each player plays. They have to make sure that everyone’s strengths are used in the correct way. This is what truly makes a team.
A few questions, asked to one of the coaches, really gave insight about our Tinley soccer titans. Both of the questions; what are the players doing well, and what can the team work on, were asked and responded to in a thought out way. The first question, what are the players doing well, had many answers showing the effort that is being put into this team. The coach said that their teamwork was extremely good. He said that they play for each other in order to win with each other. As stated before, many things are required to be a good team, and teamwork is high up in the ranking. Something else that our Titans excel at is their possession of the ball. Our coach even believes that if they possess it for long enough in games, we’ll be able to beat the other team. The second question was about what skills should the team work on. This too was answered in a simple yet explanatory way. The coach said that one of the things we need to work on is our attacking. Although our soccer team is good at defending, the only way to score goals is by improving our attacks. An additional skill that the players need to work on is communication on the field. Even though the team communicates greatly during practice, and out on the field during games, our players lack the essential communication skills at key moments. The coach believes that if we improve on these two things, we’ll be able to win many more games in the future.
The most important aspect in all sports though, is having fun and enjoying each game. The memories that will last from the friendships made will last long after anyone remembers the score of the last game. Friendship is something that our Tinley Park soccer Titans Soccer Players are great at.