Valentine’s Day is on February 14. This is a day in which a person can day show their love to their significant other. Specifically, the expectation is that someone in a romatic relationship will love on that day. In addition, a person can show their love to family members and children.
Valentine’s Day was originally called Saint Valentine on Valentine’s Day. Saint Valentine is the name of a catholic priest who lived in Rome during the 3rd century. Some people believed that Valentine’s Day was the anniversary of Valentine’s death and or burial which was around A.D 270. Others believe this day is to memorialize was that people thought a Christian church decided to put St. Valentine in the middle of February to “Christianize” the celebration of Lupercalia. Lupercalia was a festival in Rome to promote good health and fertility. They would
be sacrificed by a group of priests called the Luperci, a dog, and a few male goats to represent sexuality, then would be smeared by the blood. This reporter is not sure who is correct, but any of these reasons would make for an interesting story in my opinion.